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Title of Program: Lion’s Dragon’s Gate Ceremony; “Five Days Out of Time”


Name of Organization: Tera Gaia,





This Multidimensional medicine container is designed for our inner earth light body temple restoration healing.  This type of healing includes a powerful heaven on earth activation ceremony that is a mystery all on its own.  The Ascended ancestries who work through me calls it the "Fractalization of our Timekeeper Codons"  which activates our "blueprint" for our ascension timeline as well as integrates many multidimensional processes for our physical and light bodies.  The activations in conjunction with the Lion’s Gate portal work and the alignment processes will accelerate your light bodies for the restoration of your divine creative life force in an advanced and natural way.  Mount Shasta is the temple of the violet fire for North America and when sacredly interacted with as such through the group unity enactment of our multidimensional aspects the container itself will re-member our rainbow light bodies.  Daily temple work is facilitated through intentional practices.  On August 1st we begin with a 12D activation ceremony with our beloved Aurora Guardians (please view video for details.)  This is a group ceremony that cannot be missed as it is literally your appointment for an awakening with Creation Guardians.  The group activation is the singing of our ancestries merging as one for our unification. It’s like the union of the stars with everyone mixing their DNA with the Dragons.





Red Fir Flat is a campsite area 8 miles up Mount Shasta off Everitt Memorial Highway.  Our Temple Container will be a 20 by 40 feet covered private tent space with tarp flooring.  Tables and chairs will be rented with breakfast and lunch services. There will be an RV rental for our bathroom and shower needs.  Accommodations is left up to your personal planning.  Below are suggestions for your hotel selections.  Campground near our temple container is Red Fir Flat open grounds.  Please pack your tent and sleeping bags.  Sleeping on the mountain is a blessing for the body especially over repeated nights to seal the energies and anchor for the morning rituals where at 8am we will be greeting the Sun and Sirius Star portal at the top of the mountain.  This is at least 11,000 feet in elevation and the morning ritual will be practiced at least 3 days in a row starting 8/3rd.





Angel Package is $1222. Included is one healing session by Rainbowfire.   Non-student rate is $1088.


Temple Keeper fee is inclusive to only those who are invited as students and service team participants.  If your name is not here, please contribute the Angel or non-student fee.


Temple Keepers:

Laurie Llaney, Maria Martinova, Raj Escondo, Alicia Walton, Kathleen Kraft, Augusto Ontano, Sen Lu, Nasiem Sanjideh, Marie Morohoshi, Eri Oura, Mayah Skandan, Atmajeet, Kristin Bredimus, Christy Tonel, Nirel Salazar, Alexandra Oliver, Tiffany Lin, Joseph Feliciano, Christina Marie Novotny, Cynthia Yee, Maggie Lin.  Please send a financial contribution of $880. There are daily service tasks which requires your time and attention to support our meals, practices and make everything go smoothly. Your contribution makes a difference.


Please fill out our registration form and return your form via email to  Send money either through Zelle to Pei-Ching Lu, or Venmo peiching lu@peiching-lu;  please write your name on the payment description for me to have that as a record if you use Zelle or Venmo or mail a check: 1934 S Old Stage Road, SPC 87, Mount Shasta, CA 96067



July 6th, 2024 Online Ceremony:


One month beforehand on the Saturday of 7/6, 2024 we will be joining online for our alignment through a Zoom portal course designed to support everyone’s multidimensional up stepping process. Preparation Workshop Ceremony for J Seal and DNA Blockage Removals, Star Seed mission briefing and Overview for the “Five Days Out of Time” service schedule. Invitations will be sent to all registrants.



What to Bring:


On 8/1st, opening ceremony day we are meeting our Starry ancestors.  We encourage light colored clothing, preferable WHITE for your energy to become most compatible.  Ladies I really encourage your bodies to go simple and summer dresses are so beautiful to be in. Look good and feel good.  Bring a 16oz MASON JAR to collect your sacred waters.  Two sets of Ashiatsu bars will be available.  Please bring your massage tables.  This multidimensional container though intense will have plenty of R&R.  Prepare to have light simple layers and good hiking sandals.  We will be climbing rocks that day.  Bring your back jacks and cushions for sitting.  Our ceremony tent is 20’ by 40’ with tarp flooring which will require daily floor servicing to keep sand off the surface.  We are anticipating at least 25 Souls for our ceremony.  Summer weather in August at Mount Shasta is DIVINE! Sleeping on the mountain is cooler, as low as 50 degrees early mornings so bring woolies, layers, and socks to cover head, hands, and feet.  Red Fir Flat is soft sand.  We are lining the Temple Tent in tarp flooring, so no shoes allowed.  Sandals are encouraged.  During one of the days, I will be bringing everyone to Hedge Creek Falls for our Triple Rainbow Dip with the inner earth beings so bring your water sandals.  Straps are encouraged as we will be crossing the Sacramento River.  Bring your favorite teas, coffees as there will be a table with coffee stations for the breakfast bar.  For those who are camping please bring adequate sleeping gear.  I suggest looking up blow up mattresses that are inexpensive for car and tent use. You can find all sorts of inexpensive camp gear off the Wish app or Temu.  Special Request: For our shared Altar space, I will be printing a picture of the Earth and would like everyone to place a picture of their mother and father if you have one.   And of course, bring crystals for your activities on the mountain and sacred offerings of flowers, herbs, white candles sticks for our daily ceremonies etc...Aum Shanti Aum.


Special Guest: Flint Blade is a multi-instrumentalist and music producer. He and I Co created the Tera Gaia sounds since 2011. Our concert will be the evening of my birthday 8/4th. I'm delighted that he is driving out from South Florida to meet us on the mountain with all his equipment to provide music in our ceremonies and processes!  Whee!  Sponsored Angel: Tara Hauck is a beautiful Plaideian sister Star seed and a dear friend. My being has been inviting her to retreat from the summer climate in South Florida to the healthier climates here for 3 years. She suffers a chronic illness and has had several visits to the hospital for it.  I am raising a charitable fund of $1080 for her healing expenses.

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